My Super Power IS...

>> Saturday, March 21, 2009

I have to tell you a secret, but you have to promise not to tell anyone. Promise?

I am a superhero.

I know, I know it sounds crazy (not me). I just realized this earlier today, and I have been marveling over it all day.

Of course, I CAN'T fly or shoot lazer beams out of my eyes.

I CAN'T see through walls, or hear my neighbors plotting to steal my morning paper.

I CAN'T run fast or jump high.

I CAN'T see into the future, or travel through time.


I CAN change out the toilet paper roll when it is empty!!!

I amaze my friends and family with this ability, and I can't believe I was completely oblivious to it until recently. It's kind of nice knowing I can do something EVERYONE else can't. Puts a smile on my face.

I'm awesome. I just need a cool name and fancy suit.
Any ideas?

This my post for Inspiration Underground's Jar Draw:1 "A Smile"

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