Aliens Scare the Crap Out of Me

>> Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I have been having some difficulty sleeping, so lately I have been rotating sleep aids. One night I might take a Tylenol PM then another I might take a Benadryl.

The problem with the sleep aids is that they make me very paranoid, and if I don't go to sleep immediately after taking them I will lay there in bed with eyes wide open thinking about alien abduction and listening to noises in my big empty house.

I have never been abducted by aliens. In fact, I don't think I even know a single person that has claimed to have been abducted.

My thinking is, that since I have yet to be abducted that the statistics are greater that I will be abducted. I know that's a weird way of thinking but laying wide awake in the dark in the middle of the night with my covers pulled up over my head... it makes perfect sense.

I wonder if I would remember if I were abducted. If maybe aliens used some sort of brainwashing to erase my memories of the event. In that case, maybe I have already been abducted, and that is why I am so worried about it in the wee hours of the morning.

I don't know; it just freaks me out sometimes. I should blame the media and television. They have given the alien a bad name. You never hear about abductions where the alien just wanted to chat over a bit of tea; there's always this dissecting and probing business.

Poor guys, they scare the crap out of all of us, and those who say they aren't scared are probably lying so their friends will think they are cool or something. Maybe they like anal probes.


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